Thursday, July 28, 2011

Catching up...

So here are a few pictures to catch you up with the busy life of the Robertsons...
We have spent many a weekends at the lake, got married, ate ice cream, worn cute hats, shopped for interview clothes, got a job, ate buffalo wings, made funny faces, watched our horses run under the rainbow, and crushed Bruce :( I will try to be better about posting pictures. But for now, this makes up for lost time.


  1. What a fun post...except for Bruce. Love the horses and the rainbow!

  2. Who did that to Bruce?! And why?! You look fabulous btw. I thought that first pic was from some fashion blog until I read the text and added the hats-comment and picture together.
    I was surprised at first that you all of a sudden had other people's pics up there, since you've never blogged like that before. :) My sister looks like a model. Sweet! :)
    You and Matt look happy. Hugs to you both!
