Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dans Bday Movie


  1. So entertaining! What a silly family we have. Yoda? and can someone photoshop my shirt to at least cover me? sigh... It's neat that you have so many pictures of you and Danny. A real tribute to the friendship you two have shared over the years!

    Kimmie, I look at pics of you. especially from your HS years, and all I can think is that Lexi is going to grow up to looking a lot like you! If so, what a lucky girl! :)

  2. You made me laugh and smile. Can you photoshop my hair? What would Grandma Sylvia think??? You are sooo pretty! Don't you or Dan give up your day jobs to become rappers. It was touching to see the pics of you and Dan.

  3. That was so sweet Kim! I'm glad you and Dan have such a great relationship!
